Rucking Your Way to Better Health

You should really try rucking.  What is rucking?  Why hauling a weighted rucksack around on your back for fun and exercise, of course!  I highly recommend starting out with a GoRuck Rucker, and a 30 pound ruck plate.  At first, your shoulders will probably kill you.  But after a few weeks of rucking, you won’t even notice it is there.  And then you can start adding more weight!

At one point I was rucking almost daily with 70 pounds – a 50 pound plate and a 20 pound plate.  I even did 100 pounds once or twice.  However, at those weights, my thoracic vertebrae started to grumble and the pressure from the shoulder straps would cut off some circulation in my axillary veins and/or arteries.  I decided to try 40 pounds as my “normal” ruck load: a 30 pound ruck plate plus 6 liters of water in a DromLite bladder.  I will add in a “heavy” day every week.

I believe that rucking is the perfect blend of resistance and cardio. It also seems to be the best exercise for boosting the bellwether indicator of overall health, the libido.  I don’t go very far, usually only a few miles at a time.  But I find that a consistent and regular amount of moderate exercise is far better for me than periodic bouts of Herculean workouts.